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Roller series

Friction roller

Roller belt conveyor is an important component, many types, a large number. The role is to support the belt to reduce the belt running resistance, and the belt does not exceed a certain degree of verticality to ensure a smooth running belt.


Roller belt conveyor is an important component, many types, a large number. The role is to support the belt to reduce the belt running resistance, and the belt does not exceed a certain degree of verticality to ensure a smooth running belt.

上一個(gè):Spiral roller 下一個(gè):Buffer idler

contact us


Contact: Manager Liu

Tel: 0317-5128131/5128282

Mobile: 13483852999

E-mail:  info@hebeiaohua.com



Address: Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, Yanshan County, East outer ring

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